My aim with this page is to provide you with resources and guidance to continue your development on the drum kit even if you have to temporarily stop lessons. Try and stick to a structured practice routine and have fun. Please continue to remain in touch with any questions you might have and if you need any additional material to work on.
Groovescribe is a great resource for creating and listening to drum beats. Try it out and if you want to save your creation simply copy and paste the URL or print it out to try on the kit.

Drummerworld lists some of the best drummers and includes biographies photos and video. See if you can find a drummer that inspires you and think about what techniques and skills they use in their playing.

The Drum Ninja has a huge list of free transcriptions of famous songs. If you are looking for something new to work on pick a song and follow it along with the music. There might be sections that are too difficult or symbols you don’t understand to start with but if you listen to the track you should be able to work out some of the parts.

There is a great wealth of drumming videos on youtube. Drumeo has the widest variety of free content and is well worth checking out.

Finally, you can check out my Youtube channel with some videos demoing electric kits and some comparisons like this one on the effect of different types of dampening on the bass drum. I plan on making and uploading some new videos soon so consider subscribing. Best of luck with your drumming in this tough time!